
You are my eternal "What if...": The story of a love that never was, but always remains in the mind

Photo: Shae Devereaux / Pexels

Have you ever met someone who completely won you over, but your story never really took off? Do you wonder what it would be like if things went differently? What if you had the courage to take the first step, or if the circumstances were different? "What if..."?

There are people in life who come unexpectedly, but leave a mark on you forever. Some relationships never get fulfilled or develop into something real, but still they leave a deep impression. Those "what if" moments follow you through the years and remind you how close you were to something truly special that never materialized.

An unfulfilled dream

Sometimes you meet someone who instantly opens your eyes and suddenly everything becomes clear. Emotions run deep, but remain unspoken and unexplored. You dream about what would have been if the circumstances were different or if you had the courage to take a step forward. Those moments they were together were full of unspoken promises that hung high in the air but were never spoken.

You were left with the feeling that there could have been something more, but it wasn't.

What if…. Photo: Keegan Houser / Pexels

Every time you think of him, that feeling of longing washes over you. Memories of the moments when you were together - without words, but with the knowledge that something exists between you. That feeling he never left you. All the things that remind you of him bring up the question: What if you decided to take it a step further?

The rest is your "What if"

You always wonder what would happen if you had the courage to say how you really feel. What if I had chosen a different path? What if she felt the same way? These questions remain unanswered, but they follow you over the years. They were never a couple, but he was still a part of you. His presence in your life wasn't enough for anything to really develop, but he still left a mark on you.

Feelings they don't go away even though life moves on. They may never know what could have been. And yet, it feels like it's always there—like an echo in your head, like a heartache you've never quite gotten over. He was the one who came and went, and you stayed with the memory of him.

Letting go of illusions

All the thoughts of what could have been overwhelm you sometimes. Maybe it's time to let them go. An illusion, so that she could be something more, she held you back in the past. It was nice to dream about how things would have turned out differently, but the truth is, it was never about you two. It was about an idea of what it could be.

What if…. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

But the reality is that they were never together. All that remained were moments, fragments of conversations, smiles that hinted at something deeper but never developed into something real. Now you have to admit to yourself that you never really had it, and that has always held you back.

It's time to move on

His absence she taught you valuable lessons. You realized that sometimes love, although true in feeling, is not enough to become a part of your life. Sometimes love exists only as a thought, as a dream that never comes true. But that doesn't mean it's less valuable. He gave you something precious—hope, longing, and the power to love.

Eventually, you will turn these thoughts into something beautiful. He will remain as a gentle thought, without pain and without questions. You learned to love someone. You learned that you already are comprehensive by itself.

And now that you're letting him go, you know he'll always be a part of you. But this is no longer a longing or a question "What if...". Now it is simply a memory of something beautiful, of a possibility that never became a reality. But you move on, stronger and ready to love forward without looking back.

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