
Do you believe you can find your soulmate? Science has the answer!

Are you a romantic and believe that you can find a soulmate in life? Science says that with a "soul mate" our body just sends clear signs that you are the right partner. But how often we don't listen to these very signs!

Love is a complex thing. But "physics" and "chemistry" can tell us a story about whether the person who is with you is the one worth working for. Is this person – also your soul mate.

In the study Love, actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship was studied by scientists, how love affects the human body and what kind chemical reactions take place, when we love someone.

Scientists have found that our the body reacted in 10 different ways, when we are with a soul mate. Are you one of these signs? felt?

1. Intuition. The gut feeling is real and you should listen to it.
2. You are motivated. Ask yourself if you are aroused when you are with your partner. Are you ready to conquer the world? Or is it just hindering you and draining your energy?
3. You are honest with yourself. When you are with someone who loves and supports you, you really show who you really are. You will never need to hide and pretend to be someone else.

You are optimistic!
You are optimistic!

4. You are relaxed. Every relationship takes work. Once you meet the right person, things will settle down quickly.
5. You miss her/him. When they are together, they enjoy their time together. When you are without a partner, you feel empty and feel like something is missing.
6. You are optimistic. With the right person, you will be optimistic about the future and will be happy and elated because of it. They will plan many beautiful things together.
7. Sweaty palms, red cheeks. When you're excited about seeing your soulmate, you'll experience some anxiety-like things—a faster heartbeat, red cheeks, and sweaty palms.

You are empathetic!
You are empathetic!

8. You are empathetic. When you truly love someone, you feel a connection with them that goes beyond the physical. Both are connected on a higher emotional level. You feel what the other person feels.
9. You are sexually aroused. Sex is an important aspect of any relationship. If you get excited every time you think about your soul mate, it means your body approves.
10. You don't feel pain. If something hurts you, but the pain goes away immediately when you think of your soul mate, this is a sign that your loved one is having a positive influence on you.

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