
You can't lie to empathic people because they already know the truth!

They are living lie detectors. They immediately recognize whether you are telling the truth or drowning in lies.

Empathic people have the ability to they read people's emotions and instantly feel what others are feeling. They see what lies beneath the mask. This ability can also become very frustrating for them. Why? Because people often hide their true feelings, intentions and motives, and empaths feel all the negative vibes inside.

When you're in the company of an empath, it's best to speak your mind, because he's a living lie detector.

They know when you are being disingenuous

You can't hide behind a smile or wear a mask of happiness when you're sad. They immediately sense insincerity. If you think you've fooled everyone with your cover, you won't.

They know when you're not okay

Even after you've told them you're fine a thousand times, they'll know you're anything but fine. If there's anyone you can open up to and trust, it's an empath.

They hear everything

They also hear things you don't say. They recognize everything in the tone of your voice, in the slight hesitation, in the little things that you are not even aware of. Besides, they know exactly what your silence means.

Empaths are living lie detectors!
Empaths are living lie detectors!

They know when you're not authentic

Everyone has an authentic and unique identity, but some are afraid to let their true selves out. Empaths recognize a person who is pretending and see in you all that beauty that you yourself cannot or do not know. Allow yourself to be who you are, at least when you are in the company of an empath.

They immediately recognize negative people

They feel uncomfortable in their company, because negative people create drama and chaos. They will set boundaries around them and distance themselves from anyone who tries to bring negativity into their space.

They see everything in your eyes

They see right through you, so it's best to be 100% honest with them. If you're hurt, they see. If you're going through a tough time, they see. An empath looks you in the eye and deep inside how you feel.

Empaths are some of the most compassionate and caring people on this planet. If anyone is going to understand you and not judge you, it's them. Don't waste your time and energy lying to them. Trust them.

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