
Can't open the lid on the jar? These 5 tricks will make it easy!

Photo: envato

Have you ever tried to open the lid of a jar but couldn't? Are you wondering how to easily solve this everyday problem?

Everyone has at least once faced a frustrating situation when the lid of the jar just refuses to come off. No matter how hard we spin it or how persistent we are.

You may have already helped yourself with various household items or even asked someone for help, but it is not always easy to find the right solution.

Fortunately, there are several simple ones tricks, which can easily solve this everyday problem. Whether it's a jar of jam, pickled vegetables or homemade honey, you can use simple methods to get the lid to open without too much effort.

Discover how with the right techniques and a little creativity you can win the battle.

1. Use a cloth or cling film

One of the most common reasons for problems when opening the lid is a poor grip. If the cover is smooth, wet or too slippery, you will have problems, so the key is to improve your grip. Common household items such as a dry cloth, plastic wrap or a piece of silicone can help here.

Having a hard time opening a jar? Photo: Felipequeiroz / Pexels

Simply lay down one of these materials over the lid and try spinning again. For extra help, you can put on rubber gloves or wrap a thick rubber band around the lid. This method will provide a better grip and help you solve the problem quickly.

2. Tap the lid

If the improved grip doesn't help, it's time to apply a little force. Using a wooden spoon or the handle of a knife, gently but firmly tap the edge of the lid. The goal of this process is to slightly loosen the gasket that holds the lid closed.

Gentle tapping can loosen the blockage, which will allow you to rotate the lid more easily. In some cases, you may need to repeat the process several times before the cover is fully released.

3. Use a knife to separate the lid

This technique is a bit more demanding, but very effective. With the help of a knife with a flat blade or a screwdriver, you can carefully remove the edge of the cover. Be sure to point the tool away from your face and gently push under the edge of the lid.

The process of moving the knife along the edge will create a lever to loosen the cover. When you hear a slight “click”, you know you have broken the vacuum and the lid should come off without any problems.

Is opening a problem for you? Photo: Chena Maria Karlec / Pexels

4. Try the "water hammer" effect

This method, also known as "water hammer", is a bit unusual, but surprisingly effective. Hold the glass in one hand and tilt it at a 45-degree angle with the lid facing down. Then hit the bottom of the glass hard with your palm.

The effect of this blow will increase the pressure near the cover and caused the vacuum to be released. When you hear a slight sound, you can try to open the cover - this time it should give way without much effort.

5. Add some heat

If all of the above fails, you can try applying heat. The heat will cause the metal cover to expand and reduce the pressure holding it in place. You can heat the lid under hot water or place the jar in a bowl of hot water for a few seconds.

The heat will expand the metal and made opening easier. After heating, use a cloth to avoid burning yourself when you try to screw the lid back on.

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