
You don't believe it yet... but you met him for a reason!

It was a hurricane. That's the best word to describe him. He came into your life with so much passion that your heart was instantly his.

They only needed a second of time. It was love at first sight. Eternal love. The kind we read about in romance books. There was nothing you two couldn't do, love, live. They were yin and yang. Your broken hearts united in perfect love.

And then it all came crashing down. Just like that. At the moment.

You stood there, in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by the pieces of a broken heart, not knowing how to put them back together where they belong, in the heart? Whose shards are these? Is this your heart? What actually happened? Suddenly you were alone. All alone. The world went dark. There was no more light. Theme. Silence. Tears. Pain. Only you.

Love, has no one ever told you how much heartbreak you make? Nobody told you to crush your heart into tiny, tiny pieces? That it hurts? How do you put it back together? You don't know him. Will you even be able to?

Love, why? You miss him like water, like air. But it's not there, there are only pieces of your heart. Trampled.

My dear, you know, some people come into your life not to build a future with them, but to teach you how much you can love. Some teach you to know the depth of your heart by first breaking it to pieces; that's why you knew him, this hurricane in his form, this devastation hidden in love. He came to rock your world. He broke your heart into a thousand pieces, and basically put it back together through your pain - into a better version of you.

He came to rock your world.
He came to rock your world.

You met him for a reason, you had to realize how deep you could fall, how you could love and miss someone in ways you never knew existed. We all need to realize what we can feel. What do we even mean, especially to OURSELVES.

You have to understand what it means to love someone unconditionally, to love them, to accept them as they are. Because exactly the way it is, it's perfect for you. It means that you know how much of yourself you can give to another person.

NO, he doesn't think you're stupid. There is nothing wrong if you didn't immediately forget him, that you talked to him through silence. You had to, otherwise you couldn't accept the fact that he was gone. Don't think you'll never love again like you loved him. Accept the fact that he came into your life to show you how you can love, what else you can give from your soul, from your heart to another. How much love can you feel for someone without forgetting yourself, because now you have given him too much, you have forgotten yourself.

Because exactly the way he is, he's perfect for you.
Because exactly the way it is, it's perfect for you.

Believe it or not, you met him for a reason! You may think that you will never feel the way you feel for him again, but believe me, you will. Even more. When the right person comes along, his heart will melt into the broken pieces of your heart and you will know that he is the right person. The person you've been waiting for all your life.

And then just love him, respect him, accept him, surrender and be YOU.

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