
You don't need such a person: signs that your partner has a NEGATIVE influence on you

You don't need such a person: signs that your partner has a NEGATIVE influence on you

You are the average of the five people around you and your partner has the biggest influence on you - if you don't feel comfortable in your relationship with him, it's time to think about where the reason lies and whether your partner is having a NEGATIVE influence on you.

The fact that you always forget when your partner does things that are in no way good for him, or for you, or for your relationship, is the result of of your unconditional love. Which can be a risky business. Unconditional love is a wonderful thing, but the problem with it is that it blinds you and makes it hard for you to see that someone is causing harm in your life.

Problems in a relationship that you can't see can affect yours prosperity to the extent that they make your life hell. And such a sacrifice no man in this world is worthy.
Before you start to realize that your partner has a NEGATIVE influence on you, it will be easier for you to manage your life.

Signs that your partner is having a NEGATIVE influence on you…

No one should ask you to change to save your relationship (and you shouldn't ask him to either). A relationship consists of two souls who must care about the success of the relationship and accept compromises. BOTH of you should change because a relationship where you lose yourself while he waits for a miracle will do you NOTHING good.

A relationship in which one of the partners is not completely honest cannot be successful. Your partner's secrets and insincerity will sooner or later cause anxiety and doubt, which will negatively affect your well-being. Sensitive people can even be depressed by supposedly insincere relationships.

No one should ask you to change
No one should ask you to change

Have you noticed that your relationship drains your energy, frustrates you and makes you feel bad? If such a negative feeling has been going on for a long time, it is worth finding out why it is so - if you find that your attitude is to blame, it is wise to do something in this area.

The person you are in a relationship with should support your choices. By agreement, you can achieve absolutely anything, and it is quite reasonable that your partner will oppose certain ideas. However, if you notice that he deliberately spoils your mood when you are happy and have certain goals, this is a sign that you do not have his support, because he enjoys clipping your wings.

Women emote differently compared to men.
Women emote differently compared to men.

Women emote differently compared to men. They also accept situations in a different way and are much more sensitive. Evolutionarily, this is their nature. And if a man does not understand this, constantly tells you that you are too sensitive and does not provide you with emotional support, this may be an indication that he is neglecting your feelings. This can make you afraid to show your emotions because you know that you will always meet with his disapproval.

When you do a retrospective and remember what kind of person you were and what you are today, you will see an OBVIOUS difference. It seems that today it is no longer there and you feel bad, insecure, lost in every situation...

Often, when people have problems in life, they also start to show in their health. If you find that his bad influence has taken its toll and you are no longer a healthy person, IT IS REALLY TIME TO OPEN YOUR EYES. Health is the most precious thing in this world and no one is worth it.

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