
Have you forgiven the scam? 5 signs that it is better to end the relationship!

Photo: 1871454 / Pixabay

Cheating is a traumatic event that often leads to the end of a romantic relationship. But there are also couples who decide to give love another chance. Some manage to repair the relationship, while others, despite their efforts, find that the relationship will never be the same again. Here are 5 signs that you need to end the relationship.

1. The partner does not want to take responsibility

After the deception, the most important thing is for the one who cheated to accept his actions responsibility and shows sincerely regret. If you notice that your partner does not want to do this, this is a very bad sign.
You should know that fraud never it's not your fault. If your partner wasn't happy with something in your relationship, he should be with you to talk, instead of seeking satisfaction elsewhere. And if you now, instead of you apologized and accepted, that he caused you pain, acts as if his infidelity is your fault, it's time to leave. A lack of remorse also indicates that the person is willing to act repeat and you cannot stay in such a relationship.

See if your partner shows genuine remorse Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

2. The partner shows no desire to change

Those who act truly he regrets, will prepare his behavior to change and do whatever it takes to save your relationship. It is important that assess realistically your relationship and find out what's what in it missing and what you need to work on. Some couples also seek the help of a family therapist at this point.
If your partner does he is not willing to make the effort, then you have no reason to stay in such a relationship.
Remember: a healthy relationship takes work both sides and even if you do whatever it takes, it's never enough if your partner isn't willing to put in the effort.

3. He doesn't want to talk about the deception

Communication it is the foundation of every healthy relationship, and it is especially important if infidelity happens in it. It's normal to want to find out, what led the partner to such behavior, how he was thinking at the time and the like. If your partner's plan is to act like they are instead of having an honest conversation nothing happened, it won't fix your relationship. Let him know that you need him honesty and openness - if he is not ready to offer it, the relationship cannot continue.

Photo: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

4. Cheating destroyed your self-esteem

Many times the one who was deceived, for the deception guilty and is looking for causes by yourself. Once again: cheating is always solely the fault of the one who committed such an act and does not mean, Yes you are not good enough. You deserve to be beloved, respected and you deserve a partner who will have eyes only for you.
If you feel that despite your efforts, your self-confidence stays low and that the continuation of the relationship is yours negative emotions only increases, this is a sign that you should take it time for yourself, away from the partner. Life is too short to stay in relationships that make you see yourself in bad light, so stand on first place and thus leave the relationship.

5. You cannot forgive cheating

Forgiveness is very a complex process, for which we cannot know how it will go until we find ourselves in such a situation and until a certain time has passed. If you have decided to forgive your partner, but you notice that he is cheating you can't forget and yes you are thinking about her every moment you are with your partner is a time to leave the relationship. It is also a sign that it is best to end the relationship if you find that yours confidence will never be the same again and that the time you and your partner are apart is spent in worries and of fear, that the story will repeat itself. You earn much more than a constant income anxiety and attitude imbued with distrust.

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