
Do you miss him? Wait. Don't write to him. Not yet!

Read how you can win him over with messages!

You met a man you like and immediately after the date you want to text him - STOP. Don't write, stop your urge to write, let him contact you. If he doesn't hear from you within three days, forget about him.

Adrenaline is raging in you, you constantly think about him and want to write to him. They talked about meeting at the weekend and Friday is already here and not a word from him. Now what? DON'T text him, don't call him. HE has to ask you out, not the other way around. If he really enjoyed being with you, he will find time to call you and confide in you what plans he has for you two. Wait for his call, that way you will know if he is serious or not.

HE has to ask you out, not the other way around.
HE has to ask you out, not the other way around.

Don't send one word messages. Think about it, maybe you're going to a party or something like that, write to him and ask him to join you. If you are really interested in him, you can expect the answer: YES.

You sent a message and immediately you expect an answer. Not all men are good at writing, so be prepared to wait and don't jump to conclusions. He might be busy and can't answer right away. If he doesn't answer, don't bombard him with a million messages, but be patient and he will answer.

Be patient.
Be patient.

Time is important. If you think you can text him whenever you want, you're wrong. Men prefer to receive messages in the evening after finishing work. If you want a quick answer, better write to him between 5 and 6 pm, and you will almost certainly get an answer in a few minutes.

Don't make him feel that you miss him. Send it to him your plans for the weekend, because you're letting him know that your life goes on regardless of whether he's in it or not, and that he's always welcome to join you.

Send him your weekend plans, letting him know he can join you.
Send him your weekend plans; you let him know that he can join you.

Turn off the emotions, when you send him messages. If you would like to attract his attention in any way, always remain a little mysterious.

There can be a thousand reasons, why doesn't he sign off. Maybe he's busy or thinking about what to write to you or hasn't noticed the message yet. Maybe he's forgetful - he saw your message and thought he'd reply later, but then forgot about it. Maybe it's time to accept that you're not his priority.

There can be 1000 reasons why he doesn't sign off.
There can be a thousand reasons why he doesn't sign off.

Men and women are indeed from different planets, they understand the message one way, they another. You prefer to COMMUNICATE LIVE as much as possible, talk face to face, where only the two of you count and not misunderstood messages.

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