
You want everything, you give nothing? Sorry, but I'm not your buffet!

Photo: envato

Why do some people act like you're always there for them? Why do they expect you to listen, support, and be there for them when it suits them, but when you need something back, they're nowhere to be found?

Maybe it's because they see you as an unlimited resource – like a buffet where they can only choose those parts of you that are currently beneficial to them. But you know what? You're not their buffet.

Every buffet operates on clear rules – it offers a wide selection, is open all the time, and guests can take what they want without consequences. They can choose their favorite dishes, skip what they don't like, and come back whenever it suits them.

But life is not a buffet and neither are you.

People can't just appear and disappear from your life like you're restaurant, waiting for their wishes. They cannot taking up your time, your attention and your energy, without ever thinking that you too are a person with needs, feelings, and a limit to your patience.

They can't choose when you're available to them and when you're not. They only remember you when they need something, and they ignore you when things are going smoothly for them. Your value is not determined by how much you can give to others, but by what you what you are in yourself.

If you're a buffet to yourself, you're a buffet to yourself! Photo: Freepik

If someone only calls when they want something and doesn't even ask how you are, then that person doesn't deserve your time. Don't allow yourself to be an option. on their menu, which they can take or leave as they see fit.

Don't let them shape you according to their wishes.

You are not here to please, conform, or adapt to someone who only sees you as casual comfortSome people will only want you around when they feel lonely or when they need someone to keep them company while doing things they don't want to do themselves.

But you're not someone who's only available when they're bored. Your life isn't reserved for those who only show up when they want something.

No one should take you for granted.

People who come in and out of your life as if you were open 24/7, they don't understand your value. You are not here to constantly give without question, without thanks, and without the right attitude.

Friendship and relationships they are not something you can use and throw away as needed. If someone comes to you when you need something, then disappears when you need them, then that is not friendship – it is a one-way relationship that you do not need.

You don't have unlimited energy reserves.

Because you are not a buffet, you also do not have endless energy to share without consequences. Sometimes you will be exhausted, sometimes you will have nothing left to give, sometimes you will “overcooked”, sometimes “too cold”. And that's totally fine. You don't always have to conform to other people's wishes.

You are enough for yourself, you don't need others! Photo: Freepik

Don't let yourself be drained by people who only come back when they want to take you and disappear when they're no longer useful to you. Your value is not determined by others - you determine it yourself.

Set boundaries and demand respect

You have the right to say "no" people who don't treat you with respect. You have the right to demand relationships based on mutual support, respect, and honesty.

You won't always be the one giving. And you shouldn't be. Real relationships are reciprocal - not one-way.

You determine your value.

Because you're not a buffet, don't wait for someone to decide you're worthy of their attention. You're worthy right now - just the way you are!

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