
Do you want a free holiday in Finland? That's how you can get to them

Finland is considered the happiest country in the world and now it can make you happy too. If you want to explore the land of technological advancement and progressive culture, then you have to do one thing and a free vacation can be yours.

The Nordic countries have topped the list for years the happiest countries in the world. They seem to have figured out the key to a happy life and now they want it to share with the world.

Finland, which also received this year the title of the happiest country in the world, wants to export its knowledge about a happy life to other countries of the world and thus offers the possibility to "Rent A Finn", a happiness guide who will show you, how to relax, avoid stress and connect with nature. Under their protection, you will learn why Finland is a happy country and how to be happy.

It is a project in which nine guides participate, which you can find on the website Find your calm (find your peace) – after you decide which one to go with prefers to spend time in Finland, the application process begins. Clicking on the selected guide opens a form which you fill it out, you must also attach video tape, in which you introduce yourself and explain how you connect with nature and why you would like to visit Finland. If you are persuasive enough, they will Visit Finland may have chosen you.

The application process is very simple, all costs are covered, but don't forget that it will also be your multi-day vacation recorded. And this... if you don't know if you are from the right test to visit Finland, complete the test, who will tell you what yours is like feeling and are you happy. We have no doubt that, because the results of the survey on the happiest countries in the world showed that Slovenia is a place where happy people live, namely that it was ranked 44th place out of 156 countries!

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