
You won't believe it: 5 vacuuming tips that will save you time and effort

Fresh tips for cleaning your home

Photo: Mart/Pexels

We often think of vacuuming as a simple routine task, but with a few simple tricks, we can turn this common activity into a more efficient and even enjoyable task. Here are seven smart hacks that will take your vacuuming to the next level and make your home even more chi

Using these seven tricks will make your vacuuming not only more efficient, but also more enjoyable. Regular vacuuming is crucial for maintaining a clean home, but with additional tips it can also become less tiring and more fun. Take your time, experiment with these tricks and discover how even the simplest household chores can become innovative and efficient.

1. Use a sock to find small, lost objects

Small items such as earrings or tiny screws are often lost in carpets and under furniture. Before you start vacuuming, attach an old sock to the suction tube and secure it with an elastic band. In this way, you will easily find small objects while vacuuming and make sure that they do not end up in the bag or container of the vacuum cleaner.

Regular vacuuming is key to maintaining a clean home. Photo: Liliana/Pexels

2. Repair dents in carpets with an ice cube and vacuum

Furniture dents on carpets can be stubborn. Simply place an ice cube on the dent and let it slowly melt. The moisture will help the carpet fibers to rise. Once the ice is melted, simply vacuum the area to put the fibers back in place.

3. Use a toilet paper tube as an attachment

For hard-to-reach places like corners and between seat cushions, use a cardboard toilet paper tube as a flexible attachment on the end of the suction tube. The tube can be compressed and shaped to reach all hidden corners.

4. Add cinnamon to scent your home

You can also make your home smell pleasant while vacuuming. Sprinkle some cinnamon on the floor or add it directly to a vacuum cleaner bag or container. The warm smell of cinnamon will waft through your home as you vacuum.

Photo: Public/Pexels

5. Try a cotton ball with essential oil

Similar to cinnamon, you can also use essential oils to freshen the air while vacuuming. Soak a cotton ball in your favorite essential oil and place it in the bowl of the vacuum cleaner. During vacuuming, a pleasant smell will spread throughout the room.


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