
Does your astrological sign reveal whether you were born to be a boss?

What are your leadership skills?

Emily and Paris / Photo: Netflix

Do you have leadership skills? Do you find yourself put in the lead or frozen? Are you a good leader? What does astrology say about it?

Fire signs are natural leaders – but all other signs also have certain characteristics that make them good leaders.

Some like to take the lead, while some don't like to lead or follow and prefer to operate independently and lead only when necessary.

Here are the characteristics of each astrological sign in the role of leader.


Aries sets trends and promotes them personally - they are not afraid to be the first in something or risk their reputation by performing. Their sheer physical energy and the enthusiasm they feel in action is simply contagious and as leaders they are charismatic and highly inspirational – no one sits idly by when they take the initiative!



When leading, Taurus are pragmatic and focused on the most important things – they greatly simplify things and situations, allowing them to set their priorities and let others iron out the details. They know how to be boring and make others do what needs to be done - it is not difficult for them to call someone to their defense.



Charismatic and witty, Gemini knows how to motivate people by charming them and winning them over. They speak fast and think even faster, they are always up to date with all modern trends and full of creative ideas. They are sometimes hard to follow, but always fun to work with.



They are caring and strive to create a personal and warm environment in the work environment (in a managerial position) - they believe that everything is based on respect, understanding and good relationships and are good motivators. As leaders, Cancers will be familiar with your family situation and will not expect you to subordinate your private life to business.



They are natural leaders, full of enthusiasm, brave and enterprising, but also very pleasant and popular. They make sure that employees are respected and are very good at delegating and leading. They have great ideas and the courage to implement them and expect others to follow them with the same dedication that they show themselves.


A virgin

Virgo is perfectly organized and equipped for all situations, ready to lead and eager to be recognized. She will put everyone in order and assign them the tasks that they will do best. If he leads the team, it's a team that will be rewarded (or at least praised) even if they don't win - perhaps for strategy, organization or a thorough approach to an issue.



She is a great advocate of harmony, is a great team player and a real treasure in any team. Libras understand the needs of other people, know how to express their opinion, are excellent at delegating, collaborate easily and find compromise solutions. In the position of leader, they will always act honestly, for which they will use their diplomatic skills.



Scorpios like to compete and win, they are not interested in being just a participant, but strive to be leaders and winners. But they play this game very smartly - like chess. From move to move until they win. They are known as excellent leaders who create beneficial alliances and have wise strategic moves.



Visionary shooters are willing to take risks – they do so in every segment of their lives. They are very independent, which allows them to make a smooth transition where others face obstacles. He always has a great plan and knows how to gather different followers and harmonize the interests of different sensibilities and cultures.



Capricorn's leadership is strict but impeccable. Maximum work ethic, tireless ambition, proverbial perseverance. He will invest time in the development and realization of far-reaching goals that are clear and close in his mind - he gives his best in the position of leader and strives for prominent social roles.



Aquarians are natural politicians, friendly, good at bringing people together and often very popular. They are sympathetic to people from different social classes, they see in them an understanding of their problems and the ability to lead them to solutions. Aquarians are progressive and think about the future - they are not afraid of change and taking the initiative in radical moves.



If they must lead, Pisces will work best with vulnerable groups, minorities, children or people with special needs. They do not like or understand hierarchy, they are decisive and sensitive. They stand up for everyone who is on the edge, abandoned. They lead best when they organize humanitarian projects.


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