
Your zodiac sign says that over the years you discover THIS in yourself!

Photo: Warley Venancio / Pexels

We hide certain things within ourselves to cover up our fears, insecurities, expectations. Throughout life, we realize that we change and realize that we still have to process certain things, and that experience has already taught us many things. What do we learn about ourselves over the years?


You are not as uncompromising as you think. You actually care a lot about others and you are ready for compromises and sacrifices, to show them your commitment.


Although you believe you can do everything yourself, you are self-sufficient. You know that you create the crowd around you yourself, because you must be the center, the support, the adviser. Learn to be alone and focus on your thoughts.


You realize that you are indecisive, and that only comes from having no idea what you really want. You are ready to reject an idea and accept a new one at a moment's notice. You are not focused enough and you do not know how to set your priorities.



You fear that others will leave you because somewhere deep inside you don't believe you are you don't deserve love. You realized that you have to put yourself first. You have to find love first in yourself and for yourself.


You can't control everything, in fact nothing essential is under your control. Over the years you learn to accept yourself calm down, listen and accept life instead of constantly opposing everything.

A virgin

Your selfless commitment to help and save everyone around you is not enough because you can't really help anyone, even those who claim to need help. Why, because few people are willing to give up everything that got them into a bad situation. Once you get to know it better focus on your problems.



In life, you often encounter unrealistic expectations, that is, you experience disappointments. With maturity, you realize that there is a difference between high standards and excessive expectations, and you learn better understand other people's faults and weaknesses. Balance your demands on others – as well as yourself – with your tolerance.


Learn overcome your closed-mindedness and more often take off the mask and reveal your true face. You put up a wall around your heart and around other people, pushing people away from you. Appreciate the truth.


You realized that you are not as cynical, unpleasant and harsh as the image you project around you. And you discover that your loved ones know it too. You never hid your sensitivity and vulnerability as well as you believed you did. Relax in the relationship to people.



You realize that you are not always superior, although you are used to taking the lead and initiative, thinking that you are more capable, smarter and more organized than others.


You discover that not a single problem that you have left for tomorrow, postponed, repressed, has not disappeared, but that the content accumulates and eventually falls on you in the form of an avalanche. Learn to overcome the resistance to react and act instantly, when things happen, instead of processing everything you feel later with yourself.


Eventually, you discover that they matter to you too own ambitions and manifestations in the material world. You realize that you can focus on realizing your dreams, on creative and professional expression, and that your relationships with others do not suffer as a result. Now it's their turn to support you.

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