
He will be yours for the rest of your life: do this and a man will never cheat on you...

Every couple wants to be happy in a relationship or marriage, but sometimes the influence of various things leads to jumping over the fence. You can prevent this too if you consider each other!

When you start a family, you you want to be happy in your marriage, and one of the criteria for happiness is loyalty. Willard F. Harley, clinical psychologist and marriage counselor, conducted an experiment with over 800 couples and found that they have men and women basic needs, which must be satisfied in order to reduce the chances of infidelity on nothing. These five are the most basic.

1. Tenderness and the need for sexuality

Women have a need for tenderness.
Women have a need for tenderness.

Women have a need for tenderness:

In a relationship, it is not only about love, but also the tenderness that a man expresses with kisses, hugs, flowers, calls and gestures... All these things create the feeling that a woman is protected.

Men need sex:

Women often underestimate men's need for sex. Harley believes that men's and women's need for tenderness are connected. If the partner does not show love or tenderness, there is a chance that there will be no sexual intercourse either.

2. Conversation and the need for friendship, hobbies and entertainment

Conversation plays an important role in a relationship.
Conversation plays an important role in a relationship.

Women want to talk:

Women want a man to listen to them and give them feedback on what they are talking about. For a woman, this thing is important in a relationship or marriage. Harley found that women need about 15 hours of male attention per week to feel satisfied. That's more than two hours a day.

Men want a woman to go to parties with them:

Women often share their partners' interests, but also encourage them to do things they like. But it is important for men that their partners also accompany them. According to the psychologist, relaxing with partners is the second most important thing for men.

3. Honesty and the need for an attractive partner

Attractiveness is important to men.
Attractiveness is important to men.

Women need an honest and open partner:

Trust is the most important thing for women, and it is built with the honesty of a partner. It is important for a woman that a man is honest even in the smallest details.

Men need a physically attractive partner:

Men judge their partners not only by intelligence, but also by physical attractiveness.

4. Money and the need for a nice home

Men appreciate a cozy home.
Men appreciate a cozy home.

Women must have enough money:

A certain amount of money is necessary for life, stability and a sense of security. According to the scientist, money is very important for women.

Men need a comfortable home:

Men are faced with tasks that need to be solved every day, so it is very important for them to have a tidy home where they can rest. This need is so strong that they even dream about it.

5. The need for a partner who is a good father and the need for admiration

Admiration is important to men.
Admiration is important to men.

Women need a man who is a good father:

It is important for women that their husbands are a good role model for their sons and an image of the perfect man for their daughters.

Men want to be admired:

Men are very proud of themselves, so they want to know that their women admire them. Sincere admiration is a serious motivator for men. It inspires them to do bigger and better things.

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