
You are exactly where you are meant to be!

"Do what you can with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt

Stop it. Stop wondering. Stop thinking constantly. Don't look back. Don't tell yourself you're not good enough. That you can't. Yes... Stop it.

Because where you are right now—even in all this imperfection and confusion and the steps you have yet to take—is exactly where you need to be.

It took millions of moments to be where you are. Thousands of decisions and actions. Countless little thoughts and mistakes made you who you are. Now. In this moment.

Don't tell yourself that you're not enough, that you can't do it, that you'll never reach your goals. Remember that every step along the way is a part of this journey. Don't forget that there will be scars and wounds of different sizes on the way to success.

You will fall and find the strength to continue again, to get up and move on. And sometimes you won't be able to move at all, you'll just stand still. That's OK too. You are there for a reason.

Because where you are at any given moment is exactly where you need to be at that moment.

You must be tired. Defeated. In love. Stay in place. To stagnate. Because these points are only temporary and will change over time.

Of course, there will also be moments of success. Moments of perfection. Moments of laughter. Moments of feelings of happiness, when you feel that everything has fallen into place.

It's all part of the journey. Every moment, small, big, good, bad. Every moment of calm or complete confusion. You just have to remind yourself that you are doing well, that you are perfectly OK where you are.

It's all part of the journey. Every moment, small, big, good, bad.

Tell yourself that you will succeed, that you can do it, that you can overcome and break through all the obstacles on your way.

Don't tell yourself you're going to fall, because if you do, you'll get up and keep going. Don't say you won't succeed because you haven't yet. Don't tell yourself you're losing because there's nothing to lose.

Through life you gain knowledge, wisdom, experience, lessons. Everything you experience teaches you and teaches you to survive. Every obstacle helps you learn, realize who you are. Every painful moment breaks you, but also builds you.

So, stop it. Stop worrying. Stop wondering. Don't allow yourself to feel defeated and broken. You are none of those things. You are a person who grows, changes, learns, laughs, loves, respects.

And where are you now? Exactly where you need to be. Trust the moment and more importantly, trust yourself. You are an amazing and strong person. Believe in yourself!

With you since 2004

From 2004 we research urban trends and inform our community of followers daily about the latest in lifestyle, travel, style and products that inspire with passion. From 2023, we offer content in major global languages.