
Are you introverted and have a hard time making connections? 7 ways to overcome shyness!

How to relax while talking and connecting with people?

Photo: envato

People are different from each other. Some feel best when surrounded by people, while others recharge their batteries when they take time for themselves. There's nothing wrong with being alone - not needing anyone else for personal satisfaction is a great virtue. However, networking is extremely important in today's world, as it can open many doors for us. Here are 7 ways to help you connect with people.

1. Maintain eye contact

Establish and maintain eye contact not the easiest task for someone who is shy. However, by constantly looking at the floor or around you, you are letting the other person know that the conversation is with you not interested or that you feel comfortable in his company uncomfortable. So be careful to look the person in the eye when speak and also when their share your opinion you. Just make sure you don't get into it stared– this can cause unpleasant feelings.

Eye contact will signal that you are interested in the conversation Photo: Christina Wocintechchat / Pexels

2. Ask the person about them

Most people like it talk about yourself, so don't be afraid to ask the interlocutor questions, which refer to it. This way you will break the ice and at the same time let him know that you you are interested in him. Try to ask questions that are a bit more unique– so will the answers longer and there will be a conversation ran easier. At the same time, you will make sure that you are a person remember.
You can, for example, ask a colleague what is wrong with his work like the most, why is this a job? chose and as you prefer passing the time, when the working day ends.
Continue the conversation with information about yourself- nobody wants to feel like they do you are interrogating.

Conversation always goes easier when you have someone you know around Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

3. Have someone you know with you

Most shy and reserved people will confirm that they find it much easier to have a conversation when he is next to them a friend or acquaintance. If you have this option, definitely use it and to the person you want to talk to, approach together with a friend.
This will help to fill in the uncomfortable silences, and at the same time you will get second opinion about whether the communication was successful.

4. Share interesting, positive tidbits

Instead of starting conversations with by complaining over the weather, traffic or the world in general, be positive. Yes, we all complain sometimes, but especially when it comes to first impression, you don't want to give the person the feeling that you are there all the time negative and worried.
Instead, you can tell her about an interesting exhibition you visited or a series that completely drew you in. If it's a conversation at work, you can share with the other person experience from the education you attended or the project you are undertaking.

5. Approach someone standing alone

In a situation where we don't know anyone, it's easiest to approach a person who does too standing alone. Not only will we not feel that we're hacking into a conversation that is already going on, but the person will most likely be happy, that she found someone to talk to.
Sometimes we feel that we are the only ones among people nervous, but this is far from the truth. That's how many people feel, and with that, yes approach to him and start a conversation, you will him the situation strongly made it easier.

Approach someone who is standing alone and make it easier for them Photo: Fauxels / Pexels

6. Try to think as little as possible

Easier said than done. However, keep in mind that people will not focus on every word, which you say and it affects on possible errors. You don't do it yourself, that's why there is no reason, to expect such a way of thinking from others.
Instead of being your thoughts directed at you, try to pay attention to the interlocutor as much as possible to listen.

7. Step out of your comfort zone as often as possible

If you are not used to it making the first steps and approaching people you don't know, the first time, the second time, the third time... will certainly be a bit awkward. However, you will feel more and more over time confident.
Good experience will also let you know that the reason for fear it's actually not and that networking can open you up many doors.

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