
Not photogenic? Here are 6 tricks to become one!

How to become photogenic as a model?

Bad photos happen, but there are a few simple tricks that will make any camera love you and make you look amazing in every photo. Pssst, models use them too, so if you haven't been photogenic so far, here are six tricks alpha m has prepared for you. Image Consulting, you will definitely be. And you won't have to worry about the lens anymore. You know, this fear smells like a dog and it catches you even more easily with your chin up, eyes half closed,...

No matter how hard we try, bad photos they are part of everyday life. Literally. Such a quantity as is produced today in one year is not accumulated by the entire history until 2010 together. That's why you don't have to worry if you don't look as wonderful as you wanted in every photo. And well, photogenicity it is not given by genes, photogenicity is learned!

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Do you want to become as photogenic as a model?
Do you want to become as photogenic as a model?

The key to being photogenic is also not in a team of photographers, make-up artists, lighting specialists and expensive photography equipment. No. None of this helps you unless you do something yourself. So here are six simple tips from the team alpha m. Image Consulting, with whom you will definitely become more photogenic. You don't need any practice for most of them, you just need to memorize them.

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