
Are you up for a vegan challenge?

The second Simple Vegan Challenge follows individuals through their vegan experience for one month.

The second one starts in October A simple vegan challenge, the organizers launched the first such challenge in March. The whole idea is supported by the Australian organization for the liberation of animals from Victoria (Animal Liberation Victoria), but here we invite you to the challenge Slovenian Vegan Society. The vegan challenge takes place in such a way that registered individuals are monitored and encouraged by daily e-mails during a month of veganism. vegan recipes, tips and all other information necessary for a successful challenge. They say that if we succeed, the effort is rewarded with wonderful feelings. It is also worth mentioning, perhaps as an introduction to the monthly challenge Vegafest, the big vegan picnic of the Slovenian Vegan Society, which is being held on September 21 in Ljubljana's Mostec.

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