
You are worth more than you think: women should stop using these words!

You can't fix a first impression: women should stop using these words!

Women are supposed to use certain words that they should stop using - but why?

When you introduce yourself to other people, they don't just matter clothing and behavior, but also yours language. According to experts, women would had to avoid certain words, if they want to create better ones confidence.

"If only"

Never start sentences with "if only".
Never start sentences with "if only".

Professional career expert Wendi Weiner recommends never starting sentences with this approach because it has a negative connotation. It assumes that you are not strong and trustworthy enough. In this way, you create an impression about yourself that you cannot correct, because the person will not give you a second chance. Change your approach and say “I will”, which will give the impression that you are strong and courageous and confident in what you are saying.

"Does that even make sense?"

This question may seem innocent, but Weiner points out to discredit your explanation and signal self-help. It indicates uncertainty, lack of power and lack of confidence. Instead, according to her, it makes more sense to say "I believe you are following me", as this will put the power back in your hands.

"To be honest"

Don't use the phrase "to be honest" as it creates the impression that you are indecisive.
Do not use the phrase "to be honest" as it creates the impression that you are indecisive.

Women often use this phrase before speaking their mind. Maybe this statement doesn't seem important, but as he says Weiner, creates the impression that you are indecisive and that your previous statements were not entirely sincere. Remove it from your vocabulary, as you will be more reliable, he adds.

"I'm sorry"

Try this trick tomorrow and count how many times you say sorry in a day. Weiner she says women apologize too much. According to her, in general, women have such a personality because they know how to admit their mistakes. But maybe it's not a mistake at all. You should focus on what you're trying to say, and making excuses can undermine credibility, he says Weiner.

"I will try"

One of the most common phrases women use is, "I'll try."
One of the most common phrases women use is, "I'll try."

One of the most common phrases that women usually say is "I'll try". With such an approach, you doubt your own abilities, so rather say "I'll start right away". This approach will build trust.

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