
YoYo Mats – a unique self-folding yoga mat

YoYo Mats yoga mat

YoYo Mats - a unique yoga mat that folds up on its own like the popular '90s wristbands - are one of the freshest ideas gaining traction on the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform these days. See how the interesting base works and forget once and for all the frustration of rolling up annoying training bases...

For everyone who has problems with curling basis for exercise make you nervous and discourage you from practicing your favorite sports, here is a solution called YoYo Mats. It is a foundation for yoga that, thanks to fashion technology from the 90s roll into a tight roll completely alone.

An interesting invention planned to raise fifty thousand US dollars for its implementation on Kickstarter, which he more than succeeded in doing. However, the foundation did not convince its future users only because of its simplified twisting, as it differs from the usual ones foundation for yoga it is also separated by metal strips on the edges that keep the base firmly on the floor. After the exercise, the YoYo Mats are easily lifted and with a simple movement, a simple mechanism is activated, which roll the base into a tight roll. Although it is not exactly about saving the world, the idea is extremely cute and useful. If you agree, you can use your YoYo Mats as a base for 79 US dollars pre-order at Kickstarter.

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