
With game to inheritance

During Children's Week, we can take our little ones to the nearest museum and learn about the priceless value of these cultural institutions through play. About 40 museums and galleries across Slovenia participate in the project, so we will surely find the right one, where the ties between generations, knowledge and play will be woven into a pattern according to...

Important information
več kot štirideset Galerij in muzejev, Slovenija
Facebook event
Entrance fee

V tednu otroka lahko svoje najmlajše popeljemo do najbližjega muzeja ter z njim prek igre spoznavamo neprecenljivo vrednost teh kulturnih ustanov. V projektu sodeluje okoli 40 muzejev in galerij po Sloveniji, tako da bomo gotovo našli pravega, kjer se bodo vezi med generacijami, znanji in igro tkale v vzorec po našem okusu. 

Maribum 2011

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