
With the game to heritage: How to make a clay horse?

What is touchable clay? What can be created from its kneading? Come and try your hand at making clay horses! Before the creative work, don't miss a mysterious trip through the dark museum rooms, where magically colorful ceramic products are on display. An opportunity for a pleasant family get-together!

Important information
NMS - Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

What is touchable clay? What can be created from its kneading? Come and try your hand at making clay horses! Before the creative work, don't miss a mysterious trip through the dark museum rooms, where magically colorful ceramic products are on display. An opportunity for a pleasant family get-together!

Delavnica je primerna za otroke od 6. leta dalje. Trajanje 90 minut. Vstop je brezplačen.

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