
With the Game to Heritage: Museum Mystery (New!)

Ten years ago, Leopold Pozabil found such an interesting object in his grandmother's attic that he immediately put it on display at the museum. He would like to show it to his friend, archaeologist Jana Žlička, who will soon visit him in the museum, but he has forgotten which of the objects on display it was. ...

Important information
NMS - Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

Pred desetimi leti je Leopold Pozabil na babičinem podstrešju našel tako zanimiv predmet, da ga je nemudoma postavil na muzejsko razstavo. Rad bi ga pokazal svoji prijateljici, arheologinji Jani Žlička, ki ga bo kmalu obiskala v muzeju, a mu je ušlo iz spomina, kateri izmed razstavljenih predmetov je bil. Pomagaj mu ga ponovno odkriti in hkrati ugotovi, kaj je Leopold po poklicu. Za konec pa se pozabavaj še z izdelavo naprave za merjenje časa!

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