

This time Luka Marcen put Gregor Strniša's frogs on stage in the form of cabaret morality. The work with the subtitle The Parable of Poor Lazarus remains relevant due to its multifaceted nature, and in recent years even several directors have taken up the work even in institutionalized theater...

Important information
Stari Grad, Cesta na Grad, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
od 4 do 13 evrov.

Žabe Gregorja Strniše je tokrat v formi kabaretne moralitete na oder postavil Luka Marcen. Delo s podnaslovom Prilika o ubogem Lazarju ostaja zaradi večplastnosti aktualna, v zadnjih letih pa se je dela lotilo celo več režiserjev tudi v institucionaliziranih gledaliških hišah. 

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