
Why do the Japanese not know obesity? Discover 5 simple habits that keep them slim and healthy

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why the Japanese are known for their slimness and longevity? Do they have secrets that we can implement in our everyday life?

Japan has been a model of a healthy lifestyle for many years. Despite the fast pace of life and the influences of modern Western culture, the Japanese successfully maintain their traditional values regarding diet, exercise and general body care.

One of the remarkable characteristics of Japan is that it has one among the developing countries of the lowest levels of obesity – only 4.5 %. This is in stark contrast to many Western countries where obesity is becoming a growing problem.

Small portions of quality food. Photo: Isabella Mendes / Pexels

The Japanese achieve these results no special diets or drastic measures. Instead, they are based on simple habits that have long been a part of their everyday life.

Their way of life includes more movement, smaller portions and an emphasis on quality nutrition. But the key is precisely in their approach to life - it's not about strictness or coercion, but about a way of thinking and respect for one's own body. Below you will find some useful tips that we can also apply in our lives.

Five key habits that keep them slim and healthy

1. Daily walking

The Japanese are known for walking everywhere. According to the Japanese Ministry of Health, men walk an average of approx 7,000 steps per day, while women spend around 6,000 steps.

Photo: Evgeny Tchebotarev / Pexels

This is much higher than the average in many other sedentary countries. Japan among the countries with the longest life expectancy, which is just 85 years.

2. Eating in moderation

Japanese food still focuses on moderation despite the influence of fast food from Western countries. Instead of large meals, the Japanese often choose smaller portions that are rich in vegetables and healthy carbohydrates, such as noodles with vegetables. This allows them to enjoy their favorite foods without excessive calorie intake, which is key to maintaining a healthy weight.

3. Easy food preparation

Simplicity is one of the fundamental characteristics of Japanese cuisine. Instead of complicated recipes, the Japanese often choose quick and easy methods of preparing meals.

They love fish. Photo: Valeriya / Pexels

Using the microwave to cook vegetables is a common way for them to ensure a healthy and balanced meal, even when they are short on time. This simple strategy helps them maintain healthy eating habits regardless of their busy schedules.

4. Movement as pleasure

In contrast to many Western cultures, where physical activity is often perceived as a necessary evil, the Japanese they perceive exercise as a source of satisfaction. Which is one of the key factors why they remain physically active throughout their lives.

5. Food quality over quantity

Japanese culture treats food with great respect, and it is quality of food always before quantity. The Japanese value high quality, locally grown and seasonal ingredients. Instead of large portions, they focus on the nutritional value of the dish, which contributes to better overall health and well-being.

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