
Final guides after the exhibition Under Napoleon's Eagle

On Sunday, February 28, 2010, the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova will host the final guided tours of the exhibition Under Napoleon's Eagle. 200 years of the founding of the Illyrian provinces:- at 11 a.m. - final expert guidance after the exhibition. It is led by the author of the exhibition, M.Sc. Jože Podpečnik. - at 4 p.m. - final leadership...

Important information
National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, Maistrova 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
2.50 euros + 1 euro

V nedeljo, 28. februarja 2010, bosta v Narodnem muzeju Slovenije – Metelkova potekali zaključni vodstvi po razstavi Pod Napoleonovim orlom. 200 let ustanovitve Ilirskih provinc:

– ob 11. uri – zaključno strokovno vodstvo po razstavi. Vodi avtor razstave mag. Jože Podpečnik.
– ob 16. uri –  zaključno vodstvo po razstavi.

You are welcome!

Vstopnina za ogled razstave znaša 2,5 € (doplačilo za vodeni ogled je 1 €.)

More: www.nms.si

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