
ZA KRAS: a two-day charity music marathon

Photo: zavtozakras.si

Next weekend, on Friday, September 23 and Saturday, September 24, the two-day charity music marathon ZA KRAS will take place in Zeleni gaj and Vojščica. The response to the invitation was really great, as more than 30 musical groups will perform.

About a month ago, we were hit by the biggest fire in the history of Slovenia in the Karst, which caused real devastation and irreparable damage. The karst is different, nature is destroyed and people are depressed. It will take years for us all to recover together. More than 3,500 hectares of forests, meadows and fields were burned, and there was also a huge amount of physical/material damage. Immense thanks go to the firefighters, woodcutters, soldiers, civil protection and other members of the units, who selflessly tamed the fire for two weeks and in the end successfully extinguished it. Self-sacrificing firefighters (by far the largest number) came voluntarily from all over Slovenia and from all fire brigades. They left jobs, obligations, families and children, put their lives on the line and voluntarily extended their shifts - all this to help Kars. Thank you! Volunteer firefighters also lost a lot of much-needed equipment during the fire. Support their self-sacrificing work at the charity marathon in Zeleni gaj and Vojščica!

Concert in the Green Grove

V To the green grove the music marathon will start in Friday, September 23, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. Performers will be: Tinkara Kovač, Slavko Ivančič, Matjaž Zupan (California), Drago Mislej Mef, Bakan Rock Gang and DJ Lovro, Boštjan Pertinač, Božidar Wolfand Wolf, Chateau, Fair play, Las Vegas, Madbringer, Masters, Pikapolonica, Popr n soul , Prizma, Razvaline, Rock heart, The Maff and DJ Riki.

Concert in Vojščica

The music marathon will continue on Vojščići in Saturday, 24 September 2022 at 16:00. Performers will be: Pero Lovšin and Španski borci, Superhuman goats, Šank Rock acoustics, The Fouchers, Warfare (Italy), Zmelkoow, Ac Dc cover band, Anderkaver, Avtomobili, Heaven X, Ibunge, Link Der Wasser, Mary Rose, Expedition of the Green Dragon , Pelhan, Perkakšns and DJ Riki.

The daily ticket price in advance is EUR 13.50, and on the day of the event, the daily ticket price will be EUR 18.00. Tickets are already on sale at all mojekarte.si points of sale. In Nova Gorica, tickets are available at the Zoso Shop, where you can order tickets for groups with an additional discount.

The money collected through the music marathon (tickets, drinks, food) and the donations received will be used for the reconstruction of Markova koča, which according to the information of the competent services is the only building burned in the fire, and for the three volunteer fire brigades in the area of the fire (PGD Komen, PGD Kostanjevica na Karst and PGD Renče-Vogrsko). When it comes to firefighters, we want to take care of future prevention, their even better equipment and reimbursement of damage to damaged or destroyed equipment. All performers and participants approached the project pro bono.

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