

Kai is a naive and brave young falcon who grows up to be insanely bored. Far from society, he lives with a strict father who does not allow him to leave the borders of Katunga. During the argument, Kai learns that his father knows Zambezia, a colorful bird town on the edge of Victoria Falls. He decides to leave his safe home and join a flock of storks...

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Kai is a naive and brave young falcon who grows up to be insanely bored. Far from society, he lives with a strict father who does not allow him to leave the borders of Katunga. During the argument, Kai learns that his father knows Zambezia, a colorful bird town on the edge of Victoria Falls. He decides to leave his safe home and join a flock of storks on their way to a magnificent city. There he meets new friends and with his flying skills earns a place among the elite defense unit of Zambezi's best aviators. However, Kai soon realizes that flying technique is not enough, courage and devotion to his flock is also important.

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