
A pocket washing machine called Scrubba

The idea for Scrubba came to adventurer Ash Newland when he and his friends were packing for a trip to Africa. Due to the mountain of rather thick equipment (from tents, jackets to sleeping bags), necessary for the trip to Mount Kilimanjaro, they had to save on other items of clothing, which we know is not ideal. But with Scrubba, less is more. You might not get style points every day, but you'll always be fresh and clean.

The Australian's first thought was the good old washing machine from the 19th century, but he quickly realized that they were too cumbersome to carry. But he didn't throw the idea over his shoulder, he just built on it. And he was born Scrubb washing machine 2.0. Small and flexible, in the form of a waterproof bag that can be closed airtight. The idea began to take shape with the help of crowdfunding on Indiegogo in 2011, and today it is upon us practical pocket dishwasher the size of a folding anorak, which weighs only 180 g, which saves water and does not require electricity to operate. At the same time, it is not limited only to adventurers or travelers, it is also ideal for anyone who lives in a suitcase and is constantly on the go.

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It's not just the weight, it's also very easy to use. All you have to do is pour some water into it, add a few pieces of clothing, sprinkle some soap, shampoo or detergent on them, seal the bag and rub or roll it for half a minute. You open it, pour it out, wash the clothes and hang them up. This is all art!

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More information: thescrubba.com

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