
Grilling La Caja China - when preparing a pig in the oven becomes a breeze

La Caja China grill

Roasting meat on special La Caja China grills is more than just baking. It is an experience, it is a ritual, it is a culture. These are special "box" grills made in the USA, which enable an old-fashioned way of preparing food, which cuts the meat preparation time in half. Unlike the grills we are familiar with, these allow roasting a whole pig and other animals. The most famous American housewife, Martha Stewart, also has her own.

It's burning La Caja China they conjure up a spectacle that will excite barbecue lovers more than the bursting of fireworks on New Year's Day, because there is nothing more than the sizzling and splattering of meat that "burns the ground under its feet". The grill from Florida is also the only home grill with which you can cook whole pig. Of course, the same goes for chicken, lamb, goat and turkey.

Grilling meat at La Caja China is something else entirely.
Grilling meat at La Caja China is something else entirely.

A baby (up to 45 kg) under the oven can sleep on it in just four hours. On the classic model instead of a pig, you can simultaneously roast up to 18 whole chickens, up to 6 turkeys, up to 10 pieces of pork ribs and up to 10 pork shoulders, and you will also fit a lot of fish on it.

READ MORE: Kalamazoo Hybrid Fire Grill – a professional grill for all types of grilling

La Caja China grill grew on grass Robert Guerra, who wanted to speed up the pork preparation process. In December 1985, he recalled his father's childhood stories of wooden crates that were called Chinese crate and which cut the pig roasting time in half. Together they then did their own thing and a few years later the company was born La Caja China, which has nothing to do with "Chinese goods", since it is a "full-blooded" American product. There are grills intended for simple and tasty preparation of any type of meat, and yes, even preparing a pig in the oven becomes a breeze with them.

Martha Stewart also uses a La Caja China grill:

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