
Zhongshuge-Hangzhou: The bookstore that has no end

Zhongshuge-Hangzhou Bookstore

Zhongshuge-Hangzhou Bookstore, the likes of which the world has never seen, recently opened in Hangzhou, China! The mirrored ceiling makes the bookstore seem like it never ends!

Zhongshuge-Hangzhou bookstore in the Chinese city Hangzhou, which seems to have no end, was planned by the Beijing studio XL-Muse. In addition to bookshelves and books, it is full of mirrors that visually expand the space and they create an incredible experience that can be equated with the experience of attractions in an amusement park.

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A bookstore like the world has never seen before.
A bookstore like the world has never seen before.

Not only mirror ceiling, other elements of the bookstore also impress. Unusual seats, unusual bookshelves, that about unusual oval room in amphitheater style, intended for reading, let's not even talk. The whole thing is rounded off by lighting that provides enough light for reading, but at the same time is extremely intimate.

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