
Ziggie Bag: Slovenian bicycle bag made from discarded bicycle tubes

Ziggie cycling bag

Ziggi Bag bicycle bags are almost entirely made from discarded bicycle inner tubes, which Slovenian designers breathed new life into. Now they live in the form of sexy, slightly extravagant and extremely convenient retro handbags, which also have a built-in "powerbank" that charges the owner's portable devices. It is not only cyclists who lose their strength while cycling, but also the mobile devices that are with us. There is also an LED on the front, which jumps in or complements the light of the front bicycle light.

Ziggy Bag is ecologically aware bicycle bag, as it is practically completely manufactured from discarded bicycle tubes, these consumer goods of cyclists. If the Slovenian designers (they are a group of young start-up entrepreneurs/cycling enthusiasts) have satisfied environmental protection requirements with this, they have also listened to the modern urban cyclist, which is why they built a portable charger for charging mobile devices into the bag. In March, young Slovenian entrepreneurs send a bicycle bag, which outwardly hides its ecological and technological nature, to a crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, where you can also pre-order it, if that's what you still need in life.

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The idea of an eco-friendly bag Ziggy Bag emerged last summer, but matured precisely at the time when Ljubljana became the green capital of Europe. The bag also boasts LED-diode, which makes sure that the cyclist is noticeable at night, but during the day the design takes care of being noticeable anyway.

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