
ZLATI ŠUS, a drama performance for young people from the age of 12, 60 minutes

Mura, you say your name is? What a repulsive name... You look sad. Don't be sad. I will you...

Important information
LGL tunnel, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5,5 €

Mura, you say your name is? What a repulsive name... You look sad. Don't be sad. I'll draw you a horse, do you want? Three horses: one blue, one blue, one blue, one navy, one turquoise, one azure...


First, you buy sneakers. Look for quality sports shoes that have adequate cushioning and stability, good foot grip and adequate longitudinal flexibility. 
You run to the first bench. Start slow. Pay attention to the correct running technique. Choose the right speed. Breathe properly. Do stretching and strengthening exercises. Eat properly.
And to the second bench. 10 minutes of warm-up with slow jogging and stretching exercises. From 20 to 60 minutes of aerobic running. 10 minutes of stretching exercises and relaxation.

Third. Fourth. Heels. The sixth. (…)

Spaghetti with sauce awaits you at home (tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, basil, olives, finely chopped arugula, parmesan). And baklava.

Then you run to exhaustion.

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