
ZMELKOOW PSY-kadeliK tour 2013

A unique opportunity, just for you - here we are!!! Zmelkoow, under the impression of the high popularity of trade promotions (they themselves love them!) decided to offer the audience a concert "you pay for one, you get two". In it, they will present two faces of their otherwise...

Important information
Mariborska cesta 2, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
8 euros

A unique opportunity, just for you – here we are!!! Zmelkoow, under the impression of the high popularity of trade promotions (they themselves love them!) decided to offer the audience a concert "you pay for one, you get two". In it, they will present two faces of their otherwise even more schizophrenic soul (at least divided into three parts, if not divided into four parts) in two half-hours.

Part 1 of PSY-kakadeliK
The first face is the face of an improvisational-psychedelic exuberant seeker of new dimensions of spirit, space and time and requires a bit more concentration from the listener*, but also represents the danger of conversion to some other religion or creature (usually a pig or a mushroom).

Part 2 of PSY-fafadeliK
The other face is fun-rocker with a charming touch of nihiloidity. There will probably also be a jukebox and a corner for the audience. This part will require mainly vocal and jumping fitness from the audience. For those who will consume both parts, the transition from mushroom to bunny will be a special challenge.

Another short presentation of Drim-TimA, which will entertain the listeners:

the man who gave up a modeling career (for underwear and SM accessories) in the US to come to the aid of a band in desperate need of a bass player with the charm of Richard Gere, the quick fingers of Yngwie Malmsteen and the soulful modesty of Mahatma Gandhi. He clearly did not meet the required conditions (not even the one on b before the charm), but he was still accepted after bribing the commission with chips and beer. The commission was later reported to the Kosov commission by those who understand music. The documentation was eaten by moths the same year, so it is now ours.

the product of reckless experimentation by overambitious cerebral neurologists who wanted to make a mortal a god (see Henkel's page under the brainwashing powder tab for a more detailed process), but only made a demi-god. The other half remained a rocker. The combination is about as unstable as an ozone molecule – and that's without the ozone layer. In order not to do damage as a demigod, he was employed at the Ministry for the Neutralization of Unstable Elements as a recorder of the meetings of the "whosoever sows, this brandy" commission. The minutes are also set to music for a fee.

a drummer who started his career as a gold cup holder of the women's knitting and crocheting club from the retirement home in Gažon; but where he could not stand the stress and intellectual effort imposed by his work. Soon he got a better job as a tester of swings in Mojca Pokrajculja's kindergarten in Postojna. It was also there that he first encountered rumbles and unbridled shouting, which awakened in him an unconscious love for rock and roll, beer, chips and ozone, which later placed him in the same drawer with the aforementioned in the process of classifying unstable elements.

she was hired to play the flute, but soon lost it (as well as her wallet, a small thermoelectric plant and contact with reality). A farm girl who loves working in the meadows. Just be careful not to catch the hay on fire!

Celje Youth Center. Entrance fee €8.

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