
Horoscope sign Scorpio: what lies behind their mysterious energy

Photo: envato

The season of Scorpio, a water sign, lasts until November 21. The eighth sign of astrology is ruled by Pluto, and if you know at least one Scorpio, then you probably know about their mystical and mysterious energy.

Scorpios are dark, mysterious and brooding. But how does this sign approach life, love and career?

Let's see!

Scorpio traits

Their energy often seems calm, but beneath the surface is charged with emotion. Scorpio's ruling planet Pluto is associated with the underworld, death and rebirth. We meet Pluto when we feel the need to cross a threshold, examine deep emotional processes, or seek truth by digging deep into hidden parts of ourselves.

Scorpio is a fixed sign, which means that members of this sign have likes stability, routine and family life – just like their opposite sign Taurus. Taurus can be thought of as the natural world and all that is visible, and Scorpio as the underworld or any emotions, thoughts and secrets that lie beneath the surface.

Scorpio is often associated with the eighth house in astrology, which rules sex, death, and rebirth, among other things.


They usually are discreet and even mysterious. Other personality traits include fearlessness, boldness (thanks to Mars), passion, creativity and sincere loyalty.

However, this sign can be somewhat obsessive. Another great opportunity for growth involves letting go of things. Scorpios can have bad memories and negative energy or obsessive thought patterns about people or situations that have wronged them. Remember that anger only hurts the person who is angry.

Finally, Scorpios would do well to remember that their friends, partners and colleagues are not mind readers. They always need to express emotions and talk about how they feel. Don't keep all these secrets inside, get them out!

Scorpios in love

A typical Scorpio is known to be extremely passionate, sexual and brooding. This sign is looking for someone to explore new territory with - a partner with whom they can journey to their deepest desires, explore sexuality and get to know them on a deeper level.

The sex life of a typical Scorpio is regenerative, exploratory and even healing. In the bedroom, emotional intimacy and real sexual connection are just as important to them as experimentation and playfulness.


Scorpios are generally more interested long-term partnerships as casual relationships. They are always looking for the truth, they know very well when you are lying to them and what you are hiding.

Scorpios in friendships

It can be difficult to read a Scorpio at first because they can seem aloof, mysterious or cold. But make no mistake: there is a lot going on under the surface! Scorpions are slow and cautious, but only sting when threatened.

If you hurt a scorpion, prepare for the consequences. The dark side of this sign includes resentment, keeping secrets, and seeking revenge. But if they trust you, they will be honest, devoted and faithful friends, who you can always rely on and share your secrets with.

Scorpions at work

Scorpios love the little-known areas of the subconscious, so they can be excellent therapists, astrologers, tarot readers or gurus. Also, any work that involves research or in-depth analysis is their territory.


As mentioned earlier, Scorpios are extremely loyal, so they often stay in one company or profession for life. They don't like gossip or trivia and often have magnetic personalities that attract colleagues and clients.

Compatibility with other characters

Scorpios gravitate towards people who can help them understand the deepest parts of human nature – and break down social taboos in the process.

In general, the most compatible signs for friendships and romantic relationships with Scorpios are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) because they speak the same emotional language and earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) who value their stability and low-key down-to-earthness.


On the other hand, signs (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) are too impulsive for intense Scorpios, while with fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo) they can have sexual chemistry, but not long-term potential.

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