
Marogica ball (from 3 years old, 50′)

At the very end of the town stands a house, small as a cage, pure as the morning dawn and lovely as a flower. Grandma and grandpa live in this house. They live alone until one day a ball flies through the window. She has hands, a mouth, eyes and such beautiful hair that they call her Marogica. But - oh - the dragon Tolovaj flies...

Important information
Veliki oder, LGL, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
4,5 €

Čisto na koncu mesta stoji hišica, majhna kot kletka, čista kot jutranja zarja in ljubka kot cvetlica. V tej hišici živita babica in dedek. Živita sama, dokler nekega dne skozi okno ne prileti žoga. Ima roke, usta, oči in tako lepe maroge, da jo poimenujeta Marogica. Ampak – joj – prileti zmaj Tolovaj in jo odnese v svoje gnezdo … Ampak – ha – pridejo otroci in jo rešijo.

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