

We will taste the sugar of the Italian and world music scene with all the legendary hits that have accompanied us for decades. He is best known for his collaboration with his idol Joe Cocker, with whom he performed at several concerts and together sang an incredible version of the song With a Little Help From My Friends. These are...

Important information
Križanke, Trg francoske revolucije 1, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Sladkor italijanske in svetovne glasbene scene bomo okusili z vsemi legendarnimi uspešnicami, ki nas spremljajo že desetletja. Poznamo ga predvsem po sodelovanju z njegovim idolom Joejem Cockerjem, s katerim sta nastopala na več koncertih ter skupaj zapela neverjetno verzijo pesmi With a Little Help From My Friends. Tej so sledile še uspešnice, kot je Senza una donna, in sodelovanje s Paulom Youngom, Stingom, Pavarottijem, Ericom Claptonom …

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