
Mayor Mick

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the theater in Celje, they decided to stage the classic work of Slovenian comedy once again, this time under the direction of Luka Martin Škof. Since we already know the story of the mayor Jaka, his daughter Micka, the peasant boy Anžet and the nobleman Schönheim from the school desks, we can...

Important information
SLG Celje, Gledališki trg 5, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
From 13 to 18 euros

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the theater in Celje, they decided to stage the classic work of Slovenian comedy once again, this time under the direction of Luka Martin Škof. Since we already know the story of the mayor Jaka, his daughter Micka, the peasant boy Anžet and the nobleman Schönheim from school, we can enjoy the complications within the love triangle, which highlight not only social but also national issues, even more, because we will be more focused on the performance works in time and space. 

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