The ortho department of Si.Mobil kept its basic purpose of helping the White Ring Society, but greatly expanded the related musical story. At this kind of event in the Styrian capital, we will be able to listen to the stars of MGMT, who changed the image of the music scene. They are joined by: Austria's Bunny Lake, Italy's...
Orto oddelek Si.Mobila je svoj osnovni namen pomagati društvu Beli obroč ohranil, a je močno razširil pripadajočo glasbeno zgodbo. Na tovrstnem dogodku v štajerski prestolnici bomo lahko prisluhnili zvezdnikom MGMT, ki so spremenili podobo glasbene scene. Tem se pridružujejo: avstrijski Bunny Lake, italijanski DID, domači We can’t sleep at night, ekipa Code EP in ponovno le za to priložnost združeni Rotor.