
10 tips to stop wasting time on Facebook

Most of us are guilty of checking Facebook too often. This one is like an insatiable thirst, like fresh lovers who miss each other even before they say goodbye. It is true that here you can find lost friends, information, share content, make friends, communicate, but at the same time, the social network turns us into unsociable creatures and bad employees outside the frames of the screen. But you don't have to. Check out how.

Facebook Addictions it's hard to get rid of. Like any other addiction. And although the new year is near and it is more than convenient that on list of vows we add that we will no longer use it, practice shows that total abstinence is not the right medicine. 90% people after deactivating the account, he already returns to his embrace in three days. And since Facebook isn't going to just walk away and solve the problem for us, it's a better idea to turn it into a tool, in accessory. Make it worth our while.

READ MORE: Facebook: how to get rid of the addiction?

Ten "commandments":

  1. Upload it timeStats and track how much time you spend on Facebook. Because when you see in black and white how much time you've wasted on it, you'll surely have a guilty conscience.
  2. Follow the pages that are informative nature, of which you will actually have some. Change your "newsfeed" eating habits and enjoy less "caloric" content. TED, National Geographic and I fu*king love science is a good place to start.
  3. Set a time limit. Download it StayFocusd and limit yourself to 20 minutes a day. It will be hard, but you can do it!
  4. Go to the air, to "life", to the real world. With the help of Facebook, of course. Find it events, which are near you and attend them.
  5. Turn off unnecessary notifications. How? Go to Settings > Notifications (Select Settings > Notifications). If you're using it as an app, click the menu button and hit the item under Account Settings.
  6. Ignore requests for friendship from strangers. Have more than 1000 friends? It's time to clean up.
  7. Turn off chat room ("chat"). You will automatically receive significantly fewer notifications. Some people are just bored and looking for someone to talk to.
  8. Be less active. You don't have to like or comment of every status. Because less is more.
  9. Save with new statuses. You don't post more than three times a day, if you don't want to be labeled as an attention seeker.
  10. Don't try to impress people, because most of them don't particularly care about others and only care about themselves.

More on how to turn from his slave to master of his time, and in the infographic below, which should serve as signpost on the way through rehabilitation.

How to get rid of Facebook without actually getting rid of it.
How to get rid of Facebook without actually getting rid of it.

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