
22 useful but somewhat absurd inventions that you will only use once

The virtue of inventions is supposed to be their practicality, but not all of them know how to "fit into society", even though their utility should not be denied. The masters of strange inventions are certainly the Japanese, but funny and strange inventions are not geographically limited, because by finding new ones we want to make life easier for everyone and answer the challenges of the times. That's why we got a phone, a car, a remote control, etc., and some glitches are a byproduct of that. Check!

Human imagination it really has no limits, as evidenced by the inventions we have collected in the photo gallery. If most inventions provide us better and easier life, but they mainly provide us with these funny looks. But although most attempts of this kind are met with derision, they actually serve their purpose, and only the clumsiness of form prevents them from passing the ravages of time.

READ MORE: Bizarre Japanese inventions

Therefore, they prove something else. If you can do one thing remember, then it can exist.

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