
Akiko Shinzato: Unique jewelry for the face

Face jewelry

Akiko Shinzato is a jewelry designer from London who, with the "Another Skin" collection of face jewelry, emphasizes the fact that Western society is obsessed with beauty and external appearance. In addition to make-up and cosmetic surgery, it offers us a third possibility of manipulating our identity and the appearance of our face related to it - a jewelry collection, with which we can transform into someone else or use it to beautify and cover up parts of our face.

Akiko Shinzato is a jewelry designer who explores the fact that in Western society, beauty is often limited only to the physical aspect, as people too often identify with their appearance and we accept norms about what is beautiful from society and the media. He also points out that narrow beauty standards lead to excessive modification of our appearance with the help of make-up, surgical procedures, filters on social networks, …. Nowadays, it is simply no longer difficult to change your identity, as there are both cheap and very expensive means to achieve the desired look. Reflecting on identity, external appearance and beauty led the artist to design a unique collection of jewelry for the face. "Another Skin” focuses on the part of the body that we notice most quickly when we first meet a person we don't know yet - the face. With a combination of leather, soft metal and crystal, the collection proves how easy it is to change your look and consists of two collections, "Wearing make-up” and “Putting on someone's identity”.

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