
Bizarre eating habits of highly successful people

Unusual eating methods of famous people

Very successful people also have their habits to thank for their success, but if many can be an inspiration to us, there are also some that are downright bizarre. We can certainly classify some eating habits. Did you know that Nicolas Cage refuses to eat pork because pigs don't have decent sex? Or that Steve Jobs ate only carrots for so long that his skin turned orange? Check out other bizarre eating habits of highly successful people.

Eating habits some very successful people are downright bizarre. Admittedly, these personalities can be a great example for us, but we should draw the line here, because most of these diets are totally hacked. But that's how it is with great minds and champions. These are some a special breed of people, so their behavior, which is sometimes incomprehensible to an ordinary person, must be understood.

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The most bizarre eating habits of highly successful people:

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