
12 Interesting Facts You Won't Believe Are True!

Interesting facts

Sometimes we hear or read something that seems unreal or imaginary. And although many things unfortunately often turn out to be fiction, below we offer you 12 surprising facts that are somehow true - even if you might not think so at first glance.

A selection of random facts maybe it will come in handy sometime. Maybe it will starting point for conversation at a party (who doesn't like to learn something new?) or they will make you seem even more interesting in front of your crush (how did he/she know that?). You can read them simply to broaden your horizons repertoire of general knowledge, or simply because they are really interesting.

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And what are these surprising facts? Let's see!

1. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the first landing on the moon than to the pyramids of Giza.

Cleopatra: a model of beauty even today.
Cleopatra: a model of beauty even today.

2. Written language was separately invented by the Egyptians, Sumerians, Chinese and Mayans.

3. Honey does not spoil. So, in theory, you can also eat 3000-year-old honey.

4. The Spanish national anthem has no lyrics.

5. There are more variations possible in the game of chess than there are atoms in the universe.

6. A photon travels as much as 40,000 years from the center of the sun to the surface, but only 8 minutes to travel the rest of the way to Earth.

7. The small percentage of static that you can still see on the screen today is the rest of the radiation from the big bang. Basically, you see the consequences of the creation of the Universe!

8. In order to completely drain the blood in the average human body, you would need as many as 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sipping blood once.

How many mosquitoes drink our blood?
How many mosquitoes drink our blood?

9. If we somehow managed to get all the gold from the Earth's interior to the surface, we could theoretically cover our entire planet in gold. And not only that - the layer of gold would reach up to our knees!

10. To make sure that the females are ready for mating, the male representative of the giraffe continuously pokes them in the bladder until the females urinate. Then he tests the urine and, based on this, it is determined whether the female is ovulating.

11. Maryland's national sport is still javelin!

12. Even dead people can get chicken skin.

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