
Blake Neubert: multifaceted portraits of human duplicity

Blake Neubert - ordinary portraits that are not

The portraits of the American painter, illustrator and writer Blake Neubert are only superficially ordinary. See what happens when he shoots them with a scraper. Attention! The scene can shock you!

Blake Neubert is a painter, illustrator and writer who, among other things, creates multi-layered images on glass, which reflect the multifaceted nature of society. This is how it hides under every seemingly ordinary picture eerie portrait. "I witnessed violence, anger and drug abuse many times. I express this through my drawings," says the American, surprised by the complex nature of truth.

He surprised him negatively Walt Disney, for which he says that "when you are a child and you watch Disney cartoons, you think what a good man he was. He invented amusement parks! But as you get older and read articles about him, you realize that he really was a freak."

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In some of his paintings we discover the truth with a scraper, in others, Neubert playing with light. In any case, we do not know what awaits us. Blake has to carefully plan each layer, and what the actual effect will be, he admits, he doesn't even know until he's scraped. upper layers of paint.

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