
Emotion Recognition: Microsoft recognizes your emotions

Emotion Recognition

After guessing our age, Microsoft now thinks it can recognize human emotions through digital images. The tool is called Emotion Recognition, and all it needs from you is your photo, and its algorithm does the rest. Check if it works!

Emotion Recognition is a new online tool from Microsoft that is capable of recognizing human emotions from photographs. At least that's what he claims. How successful he is at this, or how successful his are algorithms, you can find out for yourself by going to the website projectoxford.ai you upload your photo (minimum 36 x 36 pixels and maximum 4 MB) and the website will tell you which emotions are present in the person.

Microsoft claims it can recognize your emotions through a photo.
Microsoft claims it can recognize your emotions through a photo.

He evaluates the level of anger, contempt, dislike, fear, happiness, sadness and surprise.

READ MORE: Check how old Microsoft thinks you are? #HowOldRobot

According to Microsoft, Emotion Recognition is still there in the development phase, so be lenient with him.

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