
Enigmarium – the first "escape room" in Ljubljana for all enigmas lovers

Ljubljana is bursting with tourist attractions, and since last week it is richer by one more - the Enigmarium escape room. It is the first room of its kind in Ljubljana, which, following the example of Escape Room computer games, puts players before a unique test. They have to escape from a locked room within an hour, and the only way to the key is through puzzles, codes and "sneaky" clues.

The game escape from the room or "escape room" Enigmarium on Trdinovi Street 8 in Ljubljana is managed by the Institute for Proactive Living Proactivity, which is not the first here, because under the name Escape Inc something similar already exists in Kobarid. The room simulates computer games, which can be found under the common name "escape room", with the difference that the players do not escape from the room by clicking the mouse, but are actually there.

An example of the computer game "escape room" (Sapphire Room Escape).
An example of the computer game "escape room" (Sapphire Room Escape).

According to the virtual model, in the reality version, he locks himself in a room from two to five players, which must be in 60 minutes to break through freely enigmatic "jungle" namely by discovering and unlocking mysterious objects, deciphering codes and ciphers, resolve puzzles and loops, think logically and cooperate, because that's the only way they can escape time loops, the only loop that cannot be resolved. manual skills, detective streak and they complement each other key to the key from the exit door, and that's the room that bears the title (from) Solution, like the rooms they call it (m) Classroom. The first is a bourgeois apartment taken from the books of Agatha Christie, the second imitates the nightmare of every student - after class he stays locked in the mad professor's office.

Do you have what it takes to discover the key to the door? Can you think soberly and cooperate when caught in a time warp? Check!
Do you have what it takes to discover the key to the door? Can you think soberly and cooperate when caught in a time warp? Check!

READ MORE: Adam Ellis: If our daily lives were a computer game

The whole process is monitored by the camera administrator, who occasionally throws some hint. The price of the appointment (regardless of the number of participants; from 2 to 5), which includes a visit to one of the rooms and preliminary preparation, is 60 euros.

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