If you have an interview for a job that you really want to get, make sure that you do not have any posts on Facebook and other social networks that could repel the employer and cost you the job.
A new survey of an online recruitment platform Jobvite reveals what employers pay attention to when reviewing your profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. A survey of employers showed that as many as 93 percent of them check the social profiles of candidates and that in 55 percent of cases they think twice about hiring someone based on what they found there. The following types of posts have a negative impact on the possibility of employment.
Facebook posts that discourage employers from hiring you:
- 83 percent of employers turn away if any illegal substances are published.
- 70 percent of employers are turned off by sexual posts.
- 50 percent of employers reject guns.
- 44 percent of employers find alcohol a concern.
- 66 percent of employers are put off by a candidate's poor knowledge of grammar.
- 1 in 6 candidates is rejected for expressing political beliefs.
Some more information that may be of help to you:
- 65 percent of employers find it a big plus to see your charitable work on LinkedIn.
- In the US, 79 percent of the employers included in the survey have already searched for a candidate through LinkedIn.
- Fewest employers search for candidates on Twitter.
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If you want to avoid a potential employer checking your Facebook profile, make sure it's private (and make sure it's true, as Facebook changes settings often). Also, make sure you don't put anything on social media that could harm you. Even if you've never had the experience of your social media posts hurting you, think again. You may not even know you have them.
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