
Movie: Great black comedies

For some people, good comedy is nothing more than silly costumes, hackneyed catchphrases and some sitcoms. Others need a little more edge and a little more inappropriateness. These people tend to end up with dark comedies, the type of movie where we cry and laugh - and then feel guilty about it. Despite the fact that they deal with difficult content, black comedies will make us laugh honestly.

See below for a selection of black comedy that will really make us laugh from the heart.

Black Comedy - Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)

In the war room, the President of the United States, Merkin Muffley and his advisers - including General Buck Turgidon and Dr. Strangelov - discusses the first nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, which will bring about a nuclear apocalypse.

Black comedy - Harold and Maude (1971)

A young, death-obsessed Harold Chasen meets 79-year-old Maude, who has an immense joy in life. They become involved in a short-lived but passionate romance, in which Maude shows Harold a new world and trusts him to make the most of his time on Earth.

Heathers (1988)

Veronica Sawyer has managed to infiltrate the most popular, but also the most evil clique at school. After she and her boyfriend JD accidentally kill clique queen Heather Chandler, only extreme measures are left to right the wrongs.

Black Comedy - Man Bites Dog (1992)

A team of filmmakers decides to make a documentary about the charming serial killer Ben and documents the atrocities without any intervention. Over time, however, they begin to participate in them themselves.

Fargo (1996)

Marge Gunderson, a heavily pregnant police chief, solves a gruesome murder in Fargo, Minnesota. He slowly discovers that unlikely suspect Jerry Lundegaard, a car salesman, is actually the man behind all the crimes

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Fight Club (1999)

The narrator is a listless, unhappy man who is dragged into the world of club brawls by Tyler Durden. As Tyler becomes increasingly destructive, the narrator tries to stop him from doing so, but he doesn't realize that the two are inextricably linked.

American Beauty (1999)

Lester Burnham is unhappy with his life - his wife Carolyn is cheating on him and his daughter Jane hates him. Lester becomes obsessed with Angela, his daughter's best friend, and buys weed for his neighbor Ricky.

Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Shaun, a listless salesman at an electronics store, doesn't notice that a zombie apocalypse is starting around him. He eventually finds out and tries to survive together with his friends while trying to win back his ex-girlfriend Liz.

Black Comedy - World's Greatest Dad (2009)

Lance Clayton, a single father, is doing his best to raise his teenage son, Kyle. When Kyle accidentally strangles himself during an autoerotic strangulation, Lance writes a suicide note on his son's behalf and finds popularity in his death.

Black comedy - Four Lions (2010)

Omar, Waj, Barry and Faisal are four Muslims living in Britain who want to become suicide bombers. Despite their strong convictions, they are terrible jihadists and always do more harm than good to themselves and their cause.

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