
Foodee - the most effective way to reduce food waste


Humans are quite step-motherly when it comes to food, at least judging by the amount of food we waste. Every Slovenian alone throws away as much as 82 kilograms of it every year! The number is shocking, but the situation can be improved with small actions. In this light, the project "Volk sit, goat whole" was born, and in this light also Foodee was born, a smart food organization system consisting of a mobile application, a smart reader (scanner) and a smart scale, which prevents the generation of waste or food waste.

System Foodee it is the most effective way you can reduce food waste but above all amount of food waste, which represents a pressing problem at the global level, where households throw away just 25 percent of food, which they buy. Good food usually ends up in the garbage simply because it is either overcooked or not eaten early enough and spoils in the process. Only in Great Britain does it end up in the "stomach" of the dustbin every day instead of in our stomachs 24 million pieces of bread! In addition to bread, people most often throw away fruit, vegetables and milk. And while the project ”The wolf is full, the goat is whole'' mainly cares for raising awareness, Foodee goes "to the barricades".

Foodee attached scanner-application-technique it allows us to "squeeze" the most out of the food we have at home. With a scanner we register the purchased products, and the system notifies us via the application when it approaches the limit expiration date of the food. At the same time based on our inventory suggests recipes and the list of products we need to buy, but also guides us through the food preparation process, incl with ideal portions of ingredients, so that in the end we don't have any food left.

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With Foodee, you will reduce food waste to a minimum.
With Foodee, you will reduce food waste to a minimum.

We all know that by heart fruits and vegetables usually only last a few days, but today, when we have so many different things in our heads during the day, this is one of the last things we remember. And now we won't have to. Only to scan we have to buy groceries, and from here on Foodee takes over the reins. Because if it moves at relation to food if it cannot be achieved in a beautiful way (through awareness), it should at least be achieved through technology.

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